EDP432 Arabic Text ın Islamic Philosophy

                                     ENGLISH THEOLOGY



Title of The Course:

DIV418 Arabic Text In Islamic Philosophy


Ankara University, Faculty of Divinity

Prof.Dr.Müfit Selim Saruhan



 Course Overview and Goals:

The purpose of this course is to  deal with major works of Islamic Philosophers in their  arabic writings. Within the framework of the course students will have chance to read and examine original books of Islamic philosophers.  The course deals with an evaluation of the philosophical ideas of in the case of al Kindi, Farabi ,İbn Sina al Ghazali’ and ıbn Rushd’s texts. Within the border of this course students will get through the arabic texts in Ethics,Descriptions,Politics,Ontology , Epistemology and reconciliation of religion and philosophy. Our course at same time includes brief and concise explanations about Islamic Philosophers. Through reading, discussing and intellectually engaging these sources the course will allow students to appreciate the methodology used to interpret philosophical  documents and begin to develop their own skill set of interpretive tools.


Course Requirements:


·         I selected  reading texts for the course.You may find kindly  required texts in copy center.