PHA705 Herbal Teas
Herbal tea definition, preparation and uses of herbal tea blends, tea-making techniques, according to the intended use of herbal tea (colds, digestive disorders, nervous system disorders, circulatory disorders, etc.) of the plant used as a tea in each group by grouping effective compounds, effects and side effects and interactions with each other are described.
References: - Blumenthal, M. The
ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs. The American Botanical Council (2003). - Capasso, F.,
Gaginella, T.S., Grandolini, G., Izzo, A.A. Phytotherapy: A quick Reference to
Herbal Medicine. Springer (2003). - Demirezer, Ö.,
Ersöz, T., Saraçoğlu, İ., Şener, B., Köroglu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Ed.). FFD
Monografları: Bitkiler ve Etkileri. Akademisyen Kitabevi (2017). - PDR for Herbal
Medicines, Third Edition, Thomson. - Schulz, V.,
Haensel, R., Blumenthal, M., Tyler, V.E. Rational Therapy: A Reference Guide
for Physicians and Pharmacists. Springer (2004). - Tanker, M.,
Tanker, N. Farmakognozi Cilt 1-2. 3. Baskı. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi