ethical discussions

n this paper my main concern will be to fi nd out ethical principals that are evaluated by İbn Sînâ in his philosophical system. It is a fact that Ibn Sînâ did not deal with the issue of ethics in detail. The main purpose of this paper is to shed light on and to deduce and extract his ethical views and his moral philosophy from the books of Physics and Metaphysics and from his ontology and epistemology. He examined ethics in separate places leaving the synthesis to the careful readers. Relying on different principles in his ethics Ibn Sînâ has three different bases in harmony: Ethical Rationalism, Ethical Empiricism, and Ethical intuition. Each one of them has a sense in his thought. In search of foundations of his ethics, the above mentioned principles are examined. In the background we fi nd fi nalist and optimistic approach. His cosmological division of the universe into the superlunary and the sublunary has a key role in his ethical analyses. The perpetual problem of good and evil fi nds itself a reasonable solution in Ibn Sînâ. He evaluates physical, logical, epistemological, and empirical answers in order to overcome questions about evil. In short, we focus on the ethics of Ibn Sînâ from the point of view of analyses and resolutions.

En son değiştirme: Çarşamba, 19 Şubat 2020, 11:50 ÖÖ