Semen Shipment

It is becoming increasingly more common to freeze and store dog semen for future use at home, or for use in another country. At the time of semen collection it is not always known whether the frozen semen later will be exported. Therefore, it is a good practice to use a protocol that takes this possibility into consideration. National legislation as well as Kennel Club regulations pertaining to the use of frozen stored dog semen may change at any time. Before undertaking to freeze and store dog semen the dog owner should, therefore, always be advised to contact the Ministry and the Kennel Club to get accurate information about the latest rules and regulations, so that the necessary health certificates and blood tests can be made in accordance with the requirements. Within the European Union is now for the most part a free exchange of dog semen. One exception is Italy. Linde forsberg, 

VPAT Regional Veterinary Congress 2014 .

Click Semen Shipment.pptx link to view the file.