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Ankara Üniversitesi Açık Ders Malzemeleri
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OCW / English
Akademik Arşiv
Dersleri ara
Doç.Dr. Bengi ÇINAR KUL
Adresi açmak için°er=1
bağlantısını tıklayın.
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Çalışma planı
Ders izlencesi
definition of genetics, historical development of genetics, some concepts related to genetics
Why should genetics studied ?, What is genetics ?, What is genetics ?, What is inheritance?
variation and environment
What is life ?, Theories about life, Discovery of cell, What are the differences between cells? What are cell organelles?
Concepts about cell division
Inheritance theories, Mendelian genetics, Mendel's life, simple crossings
Basic concepts related to non-Mendelian inheritance, gene interactions in titles
History of DNA discovery, Physical and chemical structures of nucleic acids
History of DNA discovery, Physical and chemical structures of nucleic acids (continues)
Definition of mutation, mutation types
Genetic studies carried out at the department
Çalışma planı ►