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OCW / English
Akademik Arşiv
Dersleri ara
How the Alphabet
Dosyayı görmek için
How the Alphabet.docx
◄ Kipling Instructions 1
Geçiş yap...
Geçiş yap...
Çalışma Planı
In Our Time 1
Introductory Note and Terminology
Instructions 1
Giriş Notları 2
In Our Time 2
Instructions 2
Introduction to Translation Studies
In Our Time 3
Instructions 3
In Our Time 4
Instructions 4
History of Translation
In Our Time 5
Instructions 5
In Our Time 6
Instructions 6
History of Translation
How the Whale...
Kipling Instructions 1
Ins 2
What makes a good literary translator?
The Elephant and...
Ins 3
The Color Purple 1
Walker Instrucions 1
5 techniques of literary translation
The Color Purple 2
Ins 2
The Color Purple 3
Ins 3
The Color Purple 4
Ins 4
What is Lİterary Translation?
The Color Purple 5
Ins 5
Ins 2 ►